
The first episode of a new Netflix series, Worst Roommate Ever, is based on William’s book The Bone Garden. It is about the Dorothea Puente boardinghouse murders and is called "Call Me Grandma."

American Rocket Science



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Wood’s engaging investigative thriller… is a must-read for those who love a classic, hard-boiled detective novel.
Publishers Weekly (on Sudden Impact)

Non-stop action, a world at war, a man and his wife against all odds, The National Treasure is pure pleasure.
—John Lescroart, NYT bestselling author (on The National Treasure)

From first to last, Rampage is superior… Please do not miss this one.
Cleveland Plain Dealer (on Rampage)

Compelling… Wood knows [how to] weave a compelling story, convincingly plotted and crisply told.
San Diego Union (on Gangland)


WILLIAM P. WOOD is the author of 13 novels and one nonfiction book. As a Deputy District Attorney in California, he handled thousands of criminal cases ranging from disturbing the peace to murder. He brought over fifty cases to jury trials, many with multiple defendants.

Wood was a leader in a major election law case—California Democratic Party vs. Jones—argued before the United States Supreme Court in 2000. He served as chief counsel to the Secretary of State of California, the Commissioner of the California Department of Corporations, and the Undersecretary of the Office of Secretary of State.